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Legend:  spicy spicy  

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Mung Bean Pasta 東北大拉皮(辣) Spicy

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Cucumber 拍黃瓜 (辣) Spicy

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Shredded Potatoes 炝土豆絲 (辣)

Shredded Potatoes 炝土豆絲 (辣) Spicy

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Spicy Fern Root Noodle 酸辣厥根粉(辣)

Spicy Fern Root Noodle 酸辣厥根粉(辣) Spicy

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Vegetable Salad 田园大拌菜

Vegetable Salad 田园大拌菜

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Crunchy Black Fungus 爽口木耳(辣)

Crunchy Black Fungus 爽口木耳(辣) Spicy

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Bean Curd Salad 涼拌腐竹(辣)

Bean Curd Salad 涼拌腐竹(辣) Spicy

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Century Egg with Tofu 皮蛋豆腐 (辣)

Century Egg with Tofu 皮蛋豆腐 (辣) Spicy

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Shredded Kelp 涼拌海帶絲(辣)

Shredded Kelp 涼拌海帶絲(辣) Spicy

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Shredded Bull Backtraps 手撕板筋 (辣)

Shredded Bull Backtraps 手撕板筋 (辣) Spicy

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Cooked Beans 煮毛豆

Cooked Beans 煮毛豆

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Peanuts 花生米

Peanuts 花生米

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Pork Jelly

Pork Jelly

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Sweet Tomato 西紅柿白糖

Sweet Tomato 西紅柿白糖